embodiment boxing

My boxing story began in 2017, but really I think it began when I was a child with pent up aggression and nowhere to put it. In my adult life, some of the trauma I experienced manifested itself through crippling anxiety. I was getting chronic panic attacks, and for a while I had to give up basic everyday tasks like driving after having a major panic attack behind the wheel. My anxiety also impacted my work because the panic would set in at inconvenient times, like in front of the camera while teaching a class on set. Through therapy, I understood where my panic attacks were coming from, and that I was essentially experiencing extreme dissociation, involuntarily "leaving my body," which created physical instability and caused panic. 

When I was introduced to boxing, I realized that "hitting shit" had a magical way of landing me back in my body in a way my many years of talk therapy never did. Since discovering boxing, combined with the use of breathwork, I feel I have a tangible tool to come back to my body when feelings of dissociation overwhelm me. Since, through personal training, group classes, and retreats, I have used boxing as a way to facilitate embodiment for women like myself who have been through traumas that lead to experiences of dissociation. I have used boxing as a form of therapy for myself and my clients to return to embodiment and therefore experience a sense of freedom. I like to think of it as "returning home" when we can come back to our bodies, through the act of boxing. 

  • A group class with minimal equipment, great for pop up style in large or small groups. Incorporates Breathwork, shadowboxing and strengthening exercises all set to music.

  • Experience the freedom of coming home to your body. Begin with a preliminary discovery session over FaceTime to understand the root of what you're trying to move through. Schedule an in person session which begins with Breathwork and reflection, and moves into boxing instruction, chanting, and hitting while breathing and chanting. Feel the magic of coming home to your body.